Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The House of Life

In the many conscious hours 
Of our lives,
We can only hope
They bring peace, solace
To our souls.

Some spend those precious hours
In fear, in loathing
Of the many hours
They have wasted
With hate, jealousy, greed.

In the sum of it all
Each of us find time
Has been wasted,
Wishing for a different life.
When all we had to do was change.

Changing ones life
Is difficult, hard to do.
Old habits creep in
They are comfortable,
Like an old pair of shoes.

Changing lets us breathe
Fresh air, a new perspective.
If only we take a few hours
To stop, look at the life we live.
Then change comes easily.

If we want it to come at all.
Usually we are stubborn
Regarding change.
In many ways we are all
Like little kids, now aren't we?

Thursday, September 11, 2008


As the morning star
A bright planet seen in the the East before sunrise
A light in the darkness
At this moment
In my life 
You are each my stars

You are my song of success
You my shining beautiful
Morning stars of children 
Are everything I always knew
Could be the embodiment of our love 
For one another

For our God and the universe
You each are the shining stars in my heavens
My spotlight my 
On Stage exhilaration 
Living breathing
Face value of our complete inner beings

Joined forever
Others are waiting in the wings
Oh what a glorious day
When we join
All of us
In mature unselfish

Out going communion 
To one another
To the world
We shall light up the heavens
Until the 
 Son rises anew

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Early in  the morning
Sitting on the porch,
Listening to songbirds calling.
They answer each other
Chirping back and forth.

The view of garden lovely
Just at the rising of the Son,
I know Fanny Crosby
Would be delighted, though blind.
Said she could see every one.

I await with anticipation
For others to come
Enjoy my "good morning",
With coffee
"Have some".

"The Dayspring sunrise on high
Has visited thus,
Giving light
To the darkness".               Luke 1:78-79
He'll come back for us!

Surrounded as I am
Each day with such love.
By my husband, children,
All my friends
That I love.

How could I ever be
Unhappy at all,
Even with these injuries
From a terrible fall?

God's healing love 
Surrounds me
Each day.
With "Blessed Assurance"
In His wondrous way.

So here 
On vacation
Or even at home,
The love of my family
Blesses me as I roam.