Sunday, August 29, 2010

Musings for my Beloved

Musings for my Beloved
Consists of prayers
Offered for my Beloved.
When I think of You
Many, yes very many,
Times a day, my heart
Expands to almost bursting!
I can barely contain the
Overpowering love I feel for

Help me, my Beloved, to
Always let you know
Of this, however, of course
You do know by returning
Your GREAT, Perfect LOVE,
Over, still over again to me.

Saturday, November 28, 2009



I’ll never kiss a corpse again

I promise you

No never.

When mother died

I did just that

The experience

Was horrid!

I bent, I kissed

Dear mother

On the forehead.

Rigor Mortis

Had settled in

She was

As hard as marble!

Sweet mother

Lie in death’s

Clam slumber.

Gone has mother

To her heavenly home.

I’ll never have another!



I’ll never kiss a corpse again

I promise you

No never.

When mother died

I did just that

The experience

Was horrid!

I bent, I kissed

Dear mother

On the forehead.

Rigor Mortis

Had settled in

She was

As hard as marble!

Sweet mother

Lie in death’s

Clam slumber.

Gone has mother

To her heavenly home.

I’ll never have another!

Saturday, October 3, 2009


So many people are puzzled
By abstract paintings
You see.
Attempting to explain them
Seems to have been left to me.

Take a simple example
Perhaps a family.
One stroke is the family
One more could be a tree!

Use imagination
When looking for delight.
It jumps right out, and catches you
When you study it just right.

You'll see horses, people, fantasy.
They come alive in painting strokes.
So keep looking you'll enjoy it
Not just sophisticated, but there for common folks.


Let me see with eyes like yours.
Let me hear with ears like yours.
Let me cry with tears like yours
So I can love completely.

Let me walk where you have walked.
Let me talk as you have talked.
Teach me to look inside everyone
And find your love completely.

People look for love each day.
Any place in any way.
If they'd only look for you
They'd find true love completely!

Your example led the way
How to live, and what to say.
Help us Lord in every way
To live your love completely.



by GG Watt

We know the poem

Regarding the little girl

Who had a big spider

Sit down beside her.

Well this poem is about

That little Miss spider.

She is now looking

For a handsome, big

Mr. spider for a groom.

He must have a big, new

Heavenly web, to make

A diamond ring of dew.

She wants to have children

Some day soon.

She dreams of sitting

Next to her dream man,

With his long spiderly legs

Around her, gazing at the moon.

Their children will be beautiful.

All glossy, with six lovely

Long legs, to romp from

Flower to flower, stem to stem.

They will have large red eyes.

They will come when she calls them.

Children will be model children.

She and her spider man

Will live happily in his web,

Eating insects, living day by day

In perfect peace, and happiness.

Contented in every way.

Friday, July 17, 2009


When we were young we found a time
Of holding hands, then running through fields together.
A time of laughter, health, fun
When you and I were one;
Learning to laugh at, to accept one anthers' idiosyncrasies.
In love, in hope,
In forward looking anticipation as our family grew.
We danced into our life together.

We bottled our love, hope, enthusiasm,
Stored them away in the wine cellar of our hearts.
Cradled in the dark warmth of years.
Now my love the time has come at last, at last,
To break open, to taste the wine
That time has brought to all it's excellence.

Mellowed, full bodied, a hearty bouquet
Just waiting for the day
When we two could bring it to our lips
To drink in the essence of perfection
We have patiently waited for.
Let us grow old together, my darling,
Someday but not now...

Now is a new beginning, like in our youth.
A time of holding hands, and running through fields together.
A time of laughter, health, fun.
You and I are one
Learning again to laugh at, to accept
One anothers' idiosyncrasies.
In love, in hope,
In forward looking anticipation with our family grown.
Come, let us dance into the rest of our lives together!
Come my love, let us begin our love story all over again.


Often there's a tug-a-war
Between mothers, and daughters-in-law.
My friend has that with her son's wife.
She really is not his wife
But his live in girlfriend.
That is what causes strife.

My friends a "smother mother".
Has been all her son's life.
They tug, they pull that poor son
This way, then that.
Till he is all torn to pieces
Like an old worn out hat.

My friend calls me her sister
I wanted you to know.
She's leaving me her Opal
Because she loves me so.
I hope I never pull my kids apart.
I really don't intend to, I promise cross my heart.

Don't see myself as smothering
For I love them, their spouses too.
So happy when they visit
I hug them tenderly.
I promise not to smother
For they mean so much to me.


You can't live by my definition of love.
Sometimes neither can I!
What for me is champagne,
Party hat festive,
For you
Maybe a bore.
Or hard to ignore.

Who knows?
I can't define it.
All I know is that
When I'm with you
The party begins.
Then life lights up for me!