Thursday, June 19, 2008

Shining Armor

What ever happened to the knight?
What ever happened to the shining armor?
What ever happened  to  these?
Chivalry used to be an every day word.
What of opening doors, standing when
A lovely princess left the table?
Opening chariot doors, car doors or any door?
What happened to those gracious manners?
Spreading cloaks in the mud for a fair damsel
Just to please her?
Did the Betty Fridan syndrome of women's lib
Ruin it for us all?

The thoughtful, gracious, charming ways of a prince charming
Were heart winning!
Ladies never used foul language, spit in the street,
Or for that matter spread their legs in photographs
Years ago.
I'm not with it you say?
Oh, yes I am!
I get these things done for me because
I expect them from a gentleman.
Oh, young women, don't sell yourselves short.
Be refined.  Be dignified.  Be cultured.
It is worth every effort, you will see.
Set the example for your friends.  Become a princess.
Once in awhile I find the prince of a man out there,
However, unfortunately too seldom.
I miss him!
We all need a prince in our lives.

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