Tuesday, April 7, 2009


"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain"!
When your whole life becomes distress
Sarah Breathneck said
"When we choose not to
Focus on what's missing
From our lives but are grateful
For the abundance that's present...
We experience heaven on earth!"

There is much truth in that saying.
Everyone I know tries to do just that.
My husband and I do, too.
Some never learn so their lives are flat.
Flat just like a pancake lying in the pan.
They never seem to see the joys that surround them.
If only they look around they will
See the beauty in their lives.
It is there but they cannot seem to feel it.

I've heard many mothers complain
About raising their children.
They only see the diapers, crying, whining.
If only they could enjoy the kids now
Because they grow up so fast.
Sometimes mothers, fathers lose their tempers
They bring their precious little ones up
Yelling, screaming, even swearing at them.
How sad for little ears to hear that day after day!

My husband and I enjoyed our children.
Oh sure, there were times when we
Became exasperated and did our share
Of talking a little too loudly,
Blew our lids at them. We are human!
For the most part we were pretty good.
We had a large family. All together I
Delivered eight babies. We now have six
Having lost two. Son Bob died four years ago.

My husband traveled from Monday to Friday
Each week for many years. I stayed home
With the children. Crazy or not actually
I thought it was like heaven! I always
Wanted a big family. Our first five were
In five years, by the time our eldest was
Twelve we had all of them. After a busy
Day, dinner, baths, I would put them to bed
After prayers, I would kiss them goodnight.
Then read them a bedtime story.
Turn off the lights, tiptoe out of their rooms.

The hard part was keeping Bobby in bed.
That little rascal would tease me night
Every night running around for me to catch.
I finally outsmarted him by tying his ankle
To the bedpost with a nylon stocking. It
Was great for when he strained against it
It would tighten, then when he stopped
It would go slack. Finally after a week
I only tied it to his ankle. He never knew
The difference since he was only two.

I'd do all of my housework
In the middle of the night so
I coud play with the children
The next day. Thursday was
"Mamas day". The kids observed
That day strictly. I would do anything
I wanted to. If I was tired and wanted
To stay in bed and read it was OK.
They would stay by me to read, draw,whatever.

I ran my household like a nursery school.
I kept dishpans with their names on them
Over the dryer to hold their folded clothes.
Their jobs were to put them away. I would
Tell them in the morning to hurry, get dressed,
Because after breakfast we would have something
Wonderful, a surprise to do that day. Each one
Was responsible for making their bed. I never
Critisized them for their were very proud of their job.

My husband and I found our family
So much fun to our delight. When Don
And I first married we promised to spend
Two hours a day with each other. To this
Day we still do it. By phone when he traveled.
We still do it holding hands telling about our day.
Even at church we hold hands. After sixty long years
We love each other dearly. Forever darling is engraved
In our wedding bands. Sweet huh?

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