Monday, April 6, 2009


Used to wonder why
God gave some of us long noses?
Others are broad and wide.
Jimmy Dirante called his a "Snozzola".
I never knew I had a different nose
Until one day in second grade
Catherine Mulvehill told me
That Tommy Murphy said that
"I would be the prettiest girl in
Second grade if I did not have such
A long nose"! Well then I began to
Wonder why that was. Finally I
Realized one day that all the best
Singers I've known had them.
They resonate the lovely sound
Of a beautiful singing voice just
Like a fabulous instrament.
Thank you Lord for giving me
A long large nose! Mother always
Told me to be thankful for even having
A nose at all because she read in the paper
That a lady in Kansas City let a squrrel
Run up her arm one day. She was happy
Thinking he would do her no harm when
All of a sudden he BIT OFF HER NOSE!
Wow, I should start a contest called
The long, large nosed singers annual
Contest inviting all people in that catagory
In the U. S., or even the world to come.
I'll call it the Jimmy Dirante Nose-Off!
We will have judges who measure to see
Just who has the longest, largest, biggest nose.
I'll bet that person will have the best voice in history.
Yep, I'm gonna do it. I'll tell them all to
Bring a big red ribbon along to tie around their noses.
Now for the first time in my life I really do appreciate
My beautiful long nose!
In fact I just might tie a pretty red ribbon around it
Or a blue one meaning 1st prize then wear it every day.
I really have learned to love my long nose!

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